The Superheroism is a metaphysic world, where everybody can become super heroe.
It is a style which mixed the science fiction, the futurism, the history and the heroe cult.
It is a style which mixed the science fiction, the futurism, the history and the heroe cult.
The themes are grotesque and satyric, magical, heroistic and anti-heroistic.
The SUPERHERO is the missing genetical mosaique between the animality and the human population.
systematic symbolums (the attributums of the superheroes) the camouflaged identity, the cut up heads and bodies (symbolized the immortality), the radiant eyes and glories and the biomorfic creations.
Usually I used religion symbolums also: levitation, glories round the head, pantocrator child. I mixed the christian iconography with the antique mythological heroes.
It appears only two color in the black and white backgrounds: the UV reflective orange and the UV reflective yellow. Theese UV colors mean the super energy and the post-human life feeling.
The Superheroism's figures are cultic mems, what purport the visuality of techno cultural identity, the urban folklore and the neuroscienes.